Thursday, April 8, 2010

SUPERsize Me Video Clip!

During the first five minutes and twenty six seconds of this video clip doctors discuss the extreme effects of fast food and the harm it has on your body. Morgan Spurlock talks about how eating nothing but McDonald's for thirty days made his liver turn to fat, cholesterol shoot up fifty five points, and caused his body fat percentage to go from eleven to eighteen percent. Overall he gained twenty four and a half pounds. Doctor's are stressing to Morgan the major consequences of becoming addicted to fast food. Although the doctor's state that fast food is fulfilling and cheap, they also point out the risk of heart disease and problems with blood flow. One doctor suggests he not eat fast food for one whole year, because so much damage has already been done. Morgan consumed thirty pounds of McDonald's sugar and took in twelve pounds of fat. Fast food organizations lack healthier choices, because they have no reason to change their routine of the greasy french fries and fatty hamburgers. Everyday companies make millions on the food their already offering. This leaves them with no reason to improve or change their menu. Eating fast food everyday means taking serious risks for your health, and even your life. Should McDonald's go first or should you?

This documentary made me realize how much fat and calories fast food carries. Fast food has no problem destroying your body and it will if you let it. This video is proof of someone who consumed fast food for thirty days, and watched his body slowly become ill. The weight he gained is enough to show how harmful it really is. The problem with fast food is it's convenient and easy. Another problem is people don't take the harmful effects of fast food serious enough. Some may think their eating a tasty hamburger when really they may be eating their way into a heart disease, or even heart failure. In my opinion, there should be a bill passed to set higher standards for fast food restaurants. It's America's health were talking about, and maybe we should set our standards higher.

1 comment:

  1. Did you watch the entire movie or just this clip?
    no citation and no quote
