Monday, April 5, 2010

Bad Food Means Bad Brain

On November 28, 2008 April MacIntyre, a food critic for Consumer Health News correlated fast food with Alzheimer's disease. In a study, scientists fed a group of mice fast food for nine months. After the nine months the scientists found that their brains showed signs of developing abnormal brain tangles. Susanne Akterin, a researcher who led the study stated that "We now suspect that a high intake of fat and cholesterol in combination with genetic factors can adversely affect several brain substances, which can be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer's." She also focused on how certain foods alter one's mood by influencing the level of certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. The effect of food on our brains is very powerful. The connection between a person's mood and the food he or she eats has demonstrated that eating a certain food can influence a person's mood. Someone who eats a turkey sandwich with fruit on the side is more likely to have more energy verses someone who eats a fast food hamburger with french fries on the side.

MacIntyret, April . "Fast Food Found To Cause Brain Conditions." Mongsters and Critics. Consumer Health News, 28 Nov 2008. Web. 5 Apr 2010.

This article provided a surfeit amount of information that in all honesty kind of scared me. I didn't know fast food could be this harmful or effect someone's mood. In my opinion, some of the fast food rumors are apocryphal, but scientists actually experimenting with mice made the rumors more realistic. Im not one hundred percent positive that if you eat fast food everyday you'll take on the disease of alzheimer's, but it does make you think about the chances. When I eat fast food it makes me pretty happy, but reasearch shows healthy food is all in all better. It's suppose to boost your energy opposed to fast food, and prevent diseases. Im not completely agreeing with the article. Energywise, I never really focus on how I feel after eating fast food. This article did give me the idea to eat fast food for a day and focus on how I felt. Then do the opposite with healthy food, collect the data, and see the outcome.

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